Friday, October 12, 2012

Oh to be little again

A woman from the office had her 10 month old son with her. I reallllllllllllllly miss being around kids everyday so I freaked at the opportunity to spend time with this precious little boy! I got down on the floor with him and crawled around, I made funny faces at him, and I tickled his belly. I had SO much fun. It got me thinking about being little. Sometimes I miss being a kid. Do you? So what is so great about being a kid???? I started making a mental list of all the things I miss about being a kid ...then I decided I should share my mental list.
I miss...
Playing all day everyday
Not having to match my clothes
Picking my nose and eating my boogers and not thinking a thing of it
Friendship necklaces
Boys having cooties
Playing beauty parlor (but always getting stuck with dads short hair because Calli wanted mom)
Eating peanut butter and jelly EVERYDAY
Holding mom and dads hand and having them count to three and then pick me up and swing me
Watching Nickelodean. Hi there. Face here.
Playing organ trail
Climbing trees
Playing capture the flag... SPUD and ghost in the graveyard
Dress up clothes
Making my parents pay to come watch me perform a dance in the living room
Baby bottle pop. Enough said
Jellies and Keds (my two fav shoes when I was little)
Overalls. Oh wait I still wear those sometimes

The great news is when you have kids you get to relive all the fun things about being little (I think) because you walk through it with your children. How fun. Can't wait.

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